Syedna Taher Saifuddin (QA), the 51st heir to the throne of Dai al Mutlaq, was born on the eve of the 27th of Zilqada 1305 H. (corresponding to the 4th of August 1888) in Surat. At a very early age, Maulana (QA) had mastered Arabic literature, Islamic theology and was a leading authority on the culture and customs of DawatFatemiyyah.
At the age of 28, he was called upon to shoulder the responsibilities of dawat. The times were crucial. Dawatwas facing much controversy. The influence of western culture, the reformative ideas of the media, and the attacks of dangerous misconceptions scourged dawat, so that fear and disbelief cropped up in the hearts of mumineen.
To reaffirm the existence of Imam uz Zaman (SA), the continuation of the nass, to strengthen the belief of mumineen and to protect them from doubt and disbelief, Maulana (QA) wrote Rasail Ramadaniyah and Qasaid Sharifa. The Rasail and Qasaid are unparalleled literary marvels in the world of Fatemi and worldly scholarship.
Maulana (QA) was also keen to establish madaris for young children so that they could be educated about the traditions, customs and beliefs of their Fatemi culture. Maulana (QA) elevated the status of Al-Jamea-tus-Saifiyah, the Arabic Academy in Surat, so that mumineen from all over the world thronged to the institute to learn and receive 'ilm from the true and rightful source.
He promoted learning and the scholarly pursuits, as well as general awareness so that mumineen would be able to cultivate the temporal along side the spiritual. He emphasized that mumineen must make science work for them, and not the other way around, so he encouraged outsourcing and education from other institutions.
With his busy schedule, Maulana (QA) met with dignitaries and ministers for the recognition of mumineen on a world stage.
Syedna (QA) slept little at night and worked all day. When asked to rest by one loyal to him, he replied, "If I were to rest, I would fall sick. I work all day and night, and need little rest. My rest is in the happiness and betterment of mumineen."