Friday, 8 July 2011

Healthy Living

Hair Care
Long or short, straight or curly, black or grey, covered or open, your hair reveals more about your age, habits and personal beliefs than any other part of your body.

Rasulullah (SA) instructs:
If you wish to grow your hair, look after it. Rasulullah (SA) teaches: 
  • Trim the hair on your temples (ear locks).
  • Trim the hair on both your cheeks.
  • Comb your hair regularly.
  • Shave off the hair on your nape
  • Trim your moustache where it touches your upper lip and leave it untouched on the sides.
  • Do not imitate Ahl ul-Kitaab.
 Imam Jaafar us Sadiq (AS) has said:
Trim the moustache regularly and do not let it grow over the lips as is the habit of Banu Umayya.

 Rasulullah (SA) says:
"Do not let the pubic hair and the hair in the armpits grow, or the devil will find abode in them." Hairy parts, particularly of the pubis, are subject to troublesome infestations by minute insects and mites, such as chiggers and lice.

The hair should be combed regularly. Rasulullah (SA) cautions: "If one does not part the hair (on the head), Allah will part it on the day of qayamat with nails of fire."

 Rasulullah (SA) says of grey hair:
"Old age is noor, do not diminish it by plucking out the white hair that appear in your beards or dying them with color or henna." It is interesting to note that Shariat, however, has permitted dyeing hair in times of war in order that the soldiers appear younger and stronger.

 Aqa Maula (TUS) in the course of his bayaan, instructs mumineen to keep their hair short and grow beards. Shaving or trimming of beards is forbidden by the Shariat and is against the will of Aqa Maula (TUS).

 Women should not trim their hair. On the aesthetic importance of hair Rasulullah (SA) has said:
"When one of you decides to choose a wife, inquire about her hair as you do about her facial appearance: hair is one of the two elements of beauty."

 One should remember to wash off excess hair after a hair-cut: what leaves the body is considered dead, and therefore is non namazi.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Syedna Taher Saifuddin (QA) The 51st Dai al Mutlaq

Syedna Taher Saifuddin (QA), the 51st heir to the throne of Dai al Mutlaq, was born on the eve of the 27th of Zilqada 1305 H. (corresponding to the 4th of August 1888) in Surat. At a very early age, Maulana (QA) had mastered Arabic literature, Islamic theology and was a leading authority on the culture and customs of DawatFatemiyyah.

At the age of 28, he was called upon to shoulder the responsibilities of dawat. The times were crucial. Dawatwas facing much controversy. The influence of western culture, the reformative ideas of the media, and the attacks of dangerous misconceptions scourged dawat, so that fear and disbelief cropped up in the hearts of mumineen.

To reaffirm the existence of Imam uz Zaman (SA), the continuation of the nass, to strengthen the belief of mumineen and to protect them from doubt and disbelief, Maulana (QA) wrote Rasail Ramadaniyah and Qasaid Sharifa. The Rasail and Qasaid are unparalleled literary marvels in the world of Fatemi and worldly scholarship.

Maulana (QA) was also keen to establish madaris for young children so that they could be educated about the traditions, customs and beliefs of their Fatemi culture. Maulana (QA) elevated the status of Al-Jamea-tus-Saifiyah, the Arabic Academy in Surat, so that mumineen from all over the world thronged to the institute to learn and receive 'ilm from the true and rightful source.

He promoted learning and the scholarly pursuits, as well as general awareness so that mumineen would be able to cultivate the temporal along side the spiritual. He emphasized that mumineen must make science work for them, and not the other way around, so he encouraged outsourcing and education from other institutions.

With his busy schedule, Maulana (QA) met with dignitaries and ministers for the recognition of mumineen on a world stage.

Syedna (QA) slept little at night and worked all day. When asked to rest by one loyal to him, he replied, "If I were to rest, I would fall sick. I work all day and night, and need little rest. My rest is in the happiness and betterment of mumineen."

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

On the Shia of the Shia

On the Shia of the Shia
Thousands gathered from all over the world to hear Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin's (TUS) bayan mubarak on the day of the shahadat of Maulatuna Fatema (AS) in Pune.

While narrating the zikr of the shahadat, Syedna (TUS) said: On the day of judgment Allah will ask Maulatuna Fatema (AS): what is your wish? Maulatuna Fatema (AS) will reply "I want to see my beloved Hasan and Husain." She will see both of them, Husain (AS) covered in blood. Those who caused his suffering and those who impeded mumineen from the matam of Husain (AS) will burn in the flames of hell.

Maulatuna Fatema (AS) will ask "What of my Shia? "

She will be told that because of their matam all their sins have been pardoned.

Maulatuna Fatema (AS) will then ask, " What of the Shia of my Shia?" She will be told that whoever embraces your daaman will be with you in heaven.

Maula (TUS) then asked mumineen "Do you not know who the Shia are? The Shia are the Duat of Aale-Mohammed (AS) and you are devoted to them, my beloved children, mumineen, muminaat. You are the shia of the shia."

Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin (TUS) gave glad tidings by saying to mumineen "You are Fatemiyeen and you are safe on the Day of Judgment. When all others will be suffering from hunger and thirst, Fatemiyeen will be safe as they have mourned and remembered the hunger, thirst and great sacrifice of Imam Husain (AS). It is then that the others will regret and say with yearning, "If only we were also Fatemiyeen!" 

The Holy Quran mentions about RIBA

The Holy Quran mentions about RIBA in many verses.The Holy Quran forbids Muslims to give or take Interest. The Injunctions of Quran reminds people that interest does not add anyting to wealth but on the contrary decrease it.

Verse 30-39 of The Holy Quran essay [English rendering]

"That which you give in interest, in order that it may increase other peoples wealth, increases not with Allah, but that which you give as Zakat, seeking Allah's pleasure, increases manifold."
The Quran further says:

Verse 2.275 of Quran essay [English rendering]

"Who Allah has permitted trade and forbidden interest".

Marvels of the Quran

Rasulullah (SAW) says:

The one who listens to the Quran will be spared the calamities of duniya; the one who recites the Quran will be spared the evils of duniya and akherat.

Tarteel of Quran e Majeed has its principles and guidelines. Quran e Majeed is not to be read like a book, nor to be sung like a poem or song. Even while reciting softly to one's self, the lips should form the words. Balanced rhythmic notes and lehen are used in recitation.

There are certain ahkaam (principles) pertaining to the articulation of words and letters during tarteel: this is known as tajweed. It is important to know these principles for proper recitation.

Allah commanded Rasulullah (SAW)
Recite the Quran in tarteel.
What is tarteel?

Amir ul Mumineen (SA) was asked what tarteel meant. He instructed:
  • Recite each word clearly
  • Do not excessively space out the words
  • Nor render them like poetry
  • Stop to meditate upon its marvels
  • Move hearts with your recitation
  • Do not be preoccupied with ending the surah quickly
With these words in focus, the science of tarteel and tajweed flourished in the Arab world, particularly in Misr (Egypt) where the Fatemi Imams ruled for 200 years. Even today Al Azhar University is renowned for having produced the best Qurr’a (reciters).
Partaking of the barakat of Aimmat Tahereen (SA), Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin (TUS) created M‘ahad uz Zahra in Surat--an institute for learning the art of reciting the Quran. Here Quran e Majeed is taught in the traditional way employing the use of modern day acoustic technology, including recording studios and multimedia facilities.
Duat Mutlaqeen (SA) and Tarteel
When Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah (RA) attended Emperor Akbar’s majlis in Ahmedabad, he would dotilawat of Quran e Majeed throughout the day, from morning to zawaal. This way, he would recite 10 juzof Quran e Majeed each day, completing one Quran every three days. Syedna Dawood (RA) had memorized the Quran e Majeed by the age of ten years.
Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin (TUS) often recited Quran e Majeed in the majlis of Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA). His mastery in the recitation of Quran e Majeed was well established even outside the community, amongst everyone who had heard him or of him.
Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) proudly exclaimed. “When he (Mohammad Burhanuddin) recites the Quran e Majeed in a delightful voice according to the principles of tajweed, he is like a luminous star….Especially when he recites Ayat un Noor, for then the listeners’ hearts are overjoyed.”